

Viewsonic Interactive flat panel 65" with Camera installed at Gurugram

Interactive flat panel 65" with Camera installed at Gurugram

Installed 120" Motorised screen with Benq full HD projector at DPS school Ghaziabad

we installed Intech Motorised Screen 340"(15ft x24ft ) with Benq LU935 Lazer projector at Brahkumaries Auditorium

smart class installation Done by Team Intech with Benq short throw projector + IR interactive white Board at Indian Army , Akhnoor (Jammu)

smart class installation Done by Team Intech with Benq short throw projector + IR interactive
white Board at Indian Army , Akhnoor (Jammu)

Intech 9*16ft fixed frame screen with Benq MH560 full HD projector installed at The indian Hight school, Dwarka, Delhi

Yesterday we installed Intech Motorised Screen 340"(15ft x24ft ) with Benq LU935 Lazer projector at Brahkumaries Auditorium

Viewsonic Interactive flat panel 65" with Camera installed at Gurugram

Intech 120" Fixed frame screen with view sonic 4k, Projector Installed at noida

Today we have installed 120" Motorised screen with Benq full HD projector at DPS school Ghaziabad

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